I'm focusing on top-20 schools for the moment. I've got a few "aim high" type schools (the ones with the "name"); a few top 10 schools that I think I've got a pretty good chance of getting in to; and a few 10-20 schools that I feel really good about. My list currently has 13 schools:
- UC Berkeley
- University of Washington
- University of Maryland
- Cornell
- University of Texas at Austin
- Stanford University
- Columbia University
- University of Minnesota
- University of Pennsylvania
- Harvard Business School
- Carnegie-Mellon University
They're generally listed in order of preference (although, there are a few that might shift up or down a slot or two, depending on which criterion I'm focusing on at the moment). The things that are important: quality of the program (obviously), particularly in the areas of Strategy and Organizational Behavior; researchers I'll be working with (I want to work with people who are interested in stuff that interests me); location (I'd LOVE to stay in California--and so would Shawna); how horrible the weather is where we eventually move (Minnesota really freaks me out).
More to come in coming weeks. For now, I've got to focus on the GMAT. I took it a little over a year ago (to get into the Drexel LEAD MBA program), and got a respectable score (680), but I'm pretty sure that, with a little studying, I can land at least a 730 (of course I'm shooting for perfect). So I bought a voucher for this extraordinarily expensive 40 hour GMAT course; it starts tomorrow (10 hours in a classroom on a Sunday; doesn't sound incredibly exciting).
I'll let you know how that goes!